Permit Tourney and Tarpon Migration


This week marks the start of the MARCH MERKIN a permit on fly tournament started by the late great permit master Jon Ain!  Bear is guiding in it as he has every year since the its inception!  Wishing him and his angler the best of luck and my the sun come out! 

March is one of the most productive months for flats permit angling as they are in pre-spawn mode.  Feeding, Feeding and more feeding to build up energy to produce the next batch of permit.  When the weather plays the same game we like to the fishing can be magical.  Permit will be staging on structure near the flats and reefs preparing to drop into the historical spawning areas in April.  As many of you know BTT has a permit tagging program and we will be contributing to the efforts in deep water permit tagging all april...  call today to book a permit tagging trip.  It's a great feeling to be a part of something great and to further the science.

2016 started out a little cooler than the typical winter in the keys cooling the waters into the mid 60's for a very long time.  Now that its bumped up to the 70's the waters around Key West are coming alive.  Tarpon are showing up on the flats and in the usual areas the early fish haunt.  Backcountry plug and fly fishing is starting to heat up and i for one am excited to get you and our current clients out for some silver king jumping action.  We still have some dates available.  Call, email or text several of our friends also have days available.  One way or another we will get you on the water as our friends are the guys we fish with on our days off and go on missions to figure out new and fun patches of life.  Its really not about us but our whole group and family.  We look forward to your call!

Good fishing and catch em up!


Tarpon! Tarpon Tarpon and more tarpon!
